Counting the Omer 5782

Daily Omer Drawings 5782 – 2022

I enjoy the process of finding inspiration, finding an image, within set parameters, in this case, the specific combination of qualities ascribed to each day of the omer count. I meditate for a few minutes on the combination of the two qualities associated to that day, and when I am ready, I begin to draw. 

Read What is Counting the Omer?

For reference, I include here the correspondences of the Seven Sefirot of the Omer Period that inform my thoughts about the quality combinations for each day.
[“Sefirot” refers to the kabbalistic notion of the divine emanations.]

1. Chesed : Loving kindness, Compassion
2. G’vurah: Judgment, Restriction, Limits
3. Tiferet: Beauty, Balance
4. Netzach: Victory, Enduring
5. Hod: Glory, Humility
6. Yesod: Foundation, Bonding, Generativity
7. Malchut: Sovereignty, Majesty, God’s Earthly Realm

Here are Counting the Omer Images for the year 5782-2022